Sent-off at Changi Terminal 2
Briefing upon arrival in Dhulikhel
Breakfast at Dhulikhel
Loading the luggages
Trekking from Dhulikhel to Nagarkot
Toast and potatoes – Breakfast at Nagarkot
Eggs and Vegetables – Breakfast at Nagarkot
Beach ball for break time at village school
Oragami session
Teeth brushing techniques
A group shot with ethnic costumes from Singapore
How about a cake to celebrate the success of the trip?
The result of this trip – a brand new volleyball court
Kent Ridge Secondary School was in Nepal for their service learning trip in November 2008. If you have read about their trip and viewed the trip photos on our website , take a peek into those behind-the-scenes shots here. Our Singaporean students and teachers are really a great bunch of people to be with!