Our school trips to Laos are specifically tailored to your learning requirements, whether you’re travelling for a specific topic or looking for something with cross curricula value.

Laos is South East Asia’s least populated and least developed country, but it has its arms thrown wide to welcome travellers in discovering its charms.

Discover the spiritual heart of Laos in temples old and new, connect with its modern population on the streets of its colonial cities and travel between destinations through miles of untouched natural beauty. Travelling in Laos is all about a slower, more peaceful way of life.

Gain real life understanding of economic scarcity, ethical development and international perspectives in context through exploring Laos and meeting the communities who call it home. South East Asia is fast-developing so take the chance to see it in action now.

There is a wide range of opportunities for you to visit local schools, volunteer at a community health clinic and learn about local traditional art.

All our school tours to Laos are accompanied throughout by an English speaking local group leader who will meet you at the airport and be with you until you depart. The group leader will act as your guide, interpreter and general facilitator throughout your trip.



Planning for your next school trip?

Contact us today for a sample itinerary or a no obligation presentation of our programs.





In the scenic wilderness of Laos, explore rural communities, wildlife and stunning natural beauty with a special focus on education and cultural immersion. Take part in important community projects and enjoy special cultural activities in a local village homestay each evening. Wrap up your educational travel experience with in-depth wildlife discovery at Kuang Si Water, an elephant village and a bear sanctuary!

All our programs are customised based on the students’ learning objectives.


Planning for your next school trip?

Contact us today for a sample itinerary or a no obligation presentation of our programs.


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